La versione Beta2 e' pronta: chi volesse fare i test puo' accedere al sito 23M/SIMTRAM e compilare il form per il testing qui
Beta2 Version is ready: everyone who would like to do the testing can enter the 23M/SIMTRAM website and fill the form here (but beta testing language is Italian...)
28 set 2008
10 set 2008
Beta2 - work in progress
Riprende dopo l'estate lo sviluppo della beta1.1 di 23M/SIMTRAM, che include tutte le correzioni e le modifiche prodotte dai primi beta-test. La release della versione beta1.1 verra' segnalata su sito e blog
After the summer the development of the beta1.1 version of 23M/SIMTRAM was resumed: beta1.1 includes all fixing and modifications generated by the first tests. The release of the new version will be announced on the website and on this blog.
After the summer the development of the beta1.1 version of 23M/SIMTRAM was resumed: beta1.1 includes all fixing and modifications generated by the first tests. The release of the new version will be announced on the website and on this blog.
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